Sonntag, 2. August 2009

telefonieren in kenia - kontakt mit der heimat

hr. nowak meint, das beste sei, sich in kenia eine pre-paid sim-karte zu kaufen, und damit günstigt nach europa zu telefonieren. also konkret, das eigene (entsperrte) handy mitnehmen, sim-karte zuhause lassen, die geht sonst eh nur verloren ;-), und in nairobi nach der ankunft einfach eine kaufen.

anbieter sind u.a. (bericht aus internet):

"Kenya - Safaricom
There's a report here in which a prepaid GPRS data offer is discussed from Safaricom. Here's an excerpt:

I spent 2 weeks traveling around Kenya in October [2008?] and used my trusty old Nokia E61 to check my emails. I would then spend an hour or two in the evenings writing emails on the phone to my business partners and customers. When I first arrived in Nairobi I went to the nearest Safaricom shop and bought a pre-paid SIM card for 30 Euros. I was fully expecting to have to purchase more minutes as the two weeks progressed, however as I was not sure how the system would work I did not want to invest too much up-front.

In reality, after 2 weeks I still had 18 Euros left on the card! In Kenya you pay 8c per Mb and with the massive compression of my emails using Momail I only used 12 Euros in 2 weeks. This with VERY heavy usage. I was totally amazed. I even did some web browsing which probably ate up most of the 12 Euros.."

[v i d e o c l i p s auf youtube]
